Chick flick reviews

By Bianca on

As part of Rebekah's sissy training, I only allow her to watch chick flicks. Shows like Keeping up with Kardashians, and Say Yes to the Dress. I make her watch these shows religiously lol Otherwise she's not allowed to watch a single movie or television show without running it by me first, and she always does like a good sissy pet should. She just revealed a little secret about herself, back when she still posed as a man. How she was the only 'guy' who went to see Sex and the City movies in the theater lol

So I'm going to have her watch both Sex and the City and it's sequel again, and write a review for them, as this is one of the most classic chick flick series. This is how rebekah spends all her time now. While all her old male peers are out watching sports, or at the bar picking up women, she's cucked in a chastity cage and diaper, spending all her time doing super gay busy work to entertain me =)

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